27 de julio de 2012

yana toboso's style now and then

And finally I'm Off!!!! :D!
Today was simply great, i got the highest grade in my class and .... just that u____u hahahaha I liked this day anyway!
Reading too much manga makes me want to continue with my own, so i began with the story again. Feel so happy when drawing my own characters.
Besides, because i have been re-reading Kuroshitsuji, i decided to check how much Yana Toboso's style has changed.

I took them from the very first chapter and the very last chapter. She has simplified hair and add more detail in eyes. I didn't notice Sebastian's hair style change until right now. And it's amusing! At first i wasn't wow about Toboso's drawings, but now, she's one of my favorites. :)

I could have picked up better images, but, everyone knows she has improved greatly.

Ok, i'm going to draw ! Bye! Oyasuminasai

25 de julio de 2012

La cosplayer frustrada...xD

Ok! i'm a bitch and i will be really mean right now...

I know is not fair to compare two different cosplayers, but this is my point when i talk about cosplay in my country...The person in the right is one of the salvadorean cosplayer, I think her Ciel is Ok, but there are many things i don't know why people here do very often...The dress, i dont know if she made it or just bought it, that's why i don't like Ciel Robbin version, because this dress is easy to buy on internet...and of course it looks pretty nice, but besides the dress, what makes a good cosplay is the wig and the MAKE UP!, I know the make up in the cosplayer in the left is overdone, but looks pretty nice, well, is really a personal feeling...Also the wig is better done...people here tend to use the wigs as they come out from the box, you have to cut it and style it u_____u besides...I'm sorry but the Sebastian, is quite obvious who looks better...
This is why i don't like to go to conventions here, because i get too mad about those little things...this year i'm going to take pictures, looking for someone who would bitch slap me right in the pride and makes me change my opinion about salvadorean cosplay! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!! beware of that coming entry!

Of course, i know an amazing cosplayer don´t start being amazing...everyone starts with some mistakes... i get the homework to look for some pictures xD

For example, this Ciel cosplayer i love so much:

She improve in many levels, the wig, the make up and even the pictures. Her outfits were always so good, but in cosplay the clothing is not the only important thing!

Second example:

This, somehow, proves how much a good wig and make up do for a cosplay.  She even looks like a different person...btw, that Alois...is AMAZING!!!!! :( there were other pictures of her, and seriously, she is the perfect Alois...

And just for my own enjoyment...

(This picture is just ....UFF!!!! the scenario is so accurate for this)

She is so perfect! hahahahaha i said the same in the other entry, i can't stop looking at her stuff, if i were able to do cosplay, this would be my point of reference :'( and she's not only great as Ciel, i found her Len Kagamine cosplays, which made me speechless...

*leaves to cry*

Ancafe nuevo PV

Wow...pense que no llegaría a terminar las cosas para esta semana, y me sorprendo a mi misma que si he sido capaz de salir con todo! Creo que he logrado trabajar un poco más rapido, seguro si no me distrajera mucho, todo sería mejor, pero eso es algo que aun sigo tratando de mejorar.
Este día llevo una materia de los primeros ciclos, y no se que sentir cuando todos se dan cuenta que este me año egreso y me dicen que tienen envidia...ellos lo ven como algo super, yo lo veo con mucho miedo xD pero seguramente ese sería mi mismo sentimiento si me encontrara iniciando la carrera.

Nada bueno, solo esperando con ansias la proxima semana :D Hoy fui a tomar cafe sola y ps, para matar tiempo dibuje algo...la resolucion de la camara es malisima......

Oww!!! Ancafe ya mostro su nuevo PV...y honestamente, me siento un poco decepcionada...quizas la cancion que escogieron no es la mejor, pero siento que dos años de paron para que regresen con una cancion que suena similar a las del peor album que sacaron [Gokutama Rock cafe] es un poco triste :'( para mi como fan...

Sin embargo, me gustan los colores del PV, pero siento que dan por sentado que Ancafe es dulce y divertido que rayan en lo ridiculo...espero que el disco en general sea mejor que esa cancion.

23 de julio de 2012

Ah...souda na!

Hi! it's monday again (;o;) and sadly it's Over and yes, it's full of work..

As i wrote, i went to my sister's place this weekend, it was really cool, we watched the Alien trilogy. I thought it would get boring, but i really enjoyed it so it was a good time!

That's me camwhoring before leaving to my sister's....--____--;;;;;;;
I haven't drawn anything, and it feels kind of lame, but i have re-read the kuroshitsuji manga. And when you do sometime twice, you realize things you let go at first. And found funny this thing...

Is this good looking dog...Sebastian? i mean, Ciel named the demon by his dog name...xD
Tbh, i don't bring anything worth reading. Waiting like crazy next week, which is a week off, vacations (^o^) i doubt i will to the amusement park but i want to eat churros! that's a deal with myself! >:(! JUM!

I found this blog:

Seriously, this are the thing i would like to do! :) Love her stuff, really clever and funny!
Ok, back to work!

19 de julio de 2012


SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!! i'm so fucking sick of my fucking parents!!!! *sigh*

anyway, i'm not ranting about this stuff here u__________u
I spent my day coloring the fanart! I'm really happy by how it came out

Can't explain the feelings i have when i do this, maybe this manga has become too special for me right now, and i know everyone around me is tired of it, and it makes me really sad because i want to draw more of this, i feel really happy and i think that's important. Long time since i last felt motivated and excited of drawing and loving something. It's like when i got obsessed by Kingdom Hearts, i still love it deeply but i didn't draw all i wanted because i felt rejected by everyone, it's like nobody around me likes the same stuff and then i lost motivation because i feel i have to do what everyone wants me to do...

Oh well, there's nothing to write about right now...this weekend i'm going to my sister's place, we will watch the entire Alien franchise.....yay... --__________________-- i liked those movies, i enjoyed them when i was 10 years old, but it's not my type of movies now...having a good time is what matters right? :)

18 de julio de 2012

Kuroshitsuji Chapter 71

OH MY!!!! xD here comes a bunch of spoiler! well...not really but....who cares...

There were too much fanservice in this chapter...well...I enjoyed every panel until the other guys appeared ¬_¬;; and Soma...i fucking hate him xD he is so idiot!

Toboso is drawing Ciel so CUTE!!! seriously!!!! i love the little shadow in his lips (*¬*)!!!!!!

hahahaha this is what i mean when i talk about having a Sebastian to make my work!! xD When Ciel told Maurice he picked every piece of paper from garbage i knew here was coming a scene with Sebastian doing it xD

This is what i mean about Fanservice xD I thought Sebastian was coming but NO! haahaha is it bad how much i enjoyed this part? D:
C'MON!!!! people complaining about this chapter because if this scene!!! If you are so offended by a -almost- rape/bullying scene then go and read Lovely complex... :/ If this is SO WRONG, editors and Square Enix wouldn't have allowed Yana to bring something like this, this is fucking fiction! 

Seriously Toboso!!!! I can't handle how cute Ciel looks in this chapter...but something about the ending...Sebastian looking to his lying master makes me wonder too many things...btw, is so obvious how much Toboso's style has improve! i simply love it now!

This chapter was really cool, from all the arc is the one that something actually happens! as i wrote, i was expecting a totally different plot, and that's why i really liked chapter 71!

I did my Ciel in Wonderland!

And i finally did my Ciel in wonderland fanart (*`o´*)

The funny thing is that i was not supposed to draw this, when i woke up from my nap, i feel like drawing but, something totally different, my own characters....but you know, the power of love is stronger and this came out...i got too excited drawing roses, i forgot how painful are to color x_x but i'm planning to color them white, so AWW YEAH!

I just can't get over how sad the ending of this OVA is...(;o;) hahahaha anyway...
I have been talking too much about Kuroshitsuji, my sister is like nuts, and bored of me xD seriously, i need someone to talk about it...too much too tell and no one to listen...

I was so right about how busy i will be this week...i have like 4 projects for next week and more to come...T^T

Today i went to cancel my gym membership :(...but they made me pay August :/ because i wasn't in the period of cancellations ...WTF! oh well...i wasn't in the mood of argue so i was like ..OK ´,:(

went to eat some buffalo wings and drink coffee....You know, I really don't understand teens this days...There's this Starbuck place, xD i know it's so damn popular, but it's not my first choice to drink coffee...i don't know, the last thing i taste in their beverages is coffee :/ anyway, my point is that how stupid people is with a Starbuck here...lots of teens are like there were never a coffee shop before, and taking stupid pictures of their stupid moccas and cappuccinos...why? why? why Starbuck is so fucking special to be pictured like one of the Seventh wonders...u_u oh well, i just hate to see teen girls pretending to be celebrities....

btw, Kuroshitsuji twitter updated today hahahhaa i feel so happy when it happens:

OK! i'm expecting to see blood in chapter 71 xD I FUCKING WANT TO SEE CIEL's REVENGE against Maurice Cole....xD AWW YEAH! it's updated!!!! LET'S FIND OUT!!!!!
and there's this preview in Gfantasy Website, fanservice everywhere xD it's rare to see this kind of images hahaha love it!

OK!, i'm going to color this damn drawing :)! 

17 de julio de 2012

Ciel Phamtonhive Cosplays

Hi!! Happy Tuesday! 
I was searching for some cosplays and i found a really cool cosplayer, i remember i read her name somewhere in Tumblr, but i don't remember too well (her name was in japanese, so i couldn't tell the right spelling)...She's like the perfect Ciel i have seen. Perfect wig, stunning make up and amazing outfits! there were lots more but these are what i loved the most. When i find this kind of things i wish i could make my own cosplays too xD

The bunny (;o;)

Also i found this one: She has more great cosplays, but i was looking for Kuroshitsuji. With Sebastian(who's amazing *o*) and Claude xD ME GUSTA!

And me dreaming about making cosplay xD and losing weight when a friend brought me this hahahha GEEZ!

The Oreo's thing is over by now xD everything is so good i cry like crazy! because i now i shouldn't eat it, but sweet things are my weakness....i curse my will power! (;o;)


I hate to be here every time I feel upset, sadly this is the only place I can vent my heart out. Today some friends and I got upset to eac...