27 de abril de 2013

Suisei no Gargantia

Hi! long time no see!
First of all, I'm graduated! Finally! and now i'm just unemployed! lol this week has been a nightmare, everything has gone bad but at least, I didn't fall in front of everyone at the graduation ceremony (ノ*゜▽゜*) 

Anyway, I have been watching Suisei no Gargantia

Since the moment I first knew about this I fell in love with the animation, everything is so colorful and beautiful! Second, I think i'm loving Ledo and Chamber (they are so awesome together). It only has 3 episodes by now and the story is so far really cool.
In the moment Ledo and Chamber realized they were in the Earth made me squeeze because I know this "unknown" planet is going to be their home along with Amy and everyone else. He also learned meaning of gratitude. (I am not going to make a review about this anime or something, because i'm not good at this, besides I don't want to spoil it to anyone who'd read this)
About the characters, I can see some stereotypes but I hope every each of them had a good character development in the process.

So i'm looking forward more episodes and hope I can enjoy it as much as i enjoy watching Hyouka!

21 de abril de 2013

Someday it was going to happen, today is the day...

wow....I knew it.
all this makes me sad but I'm laughing inside.
This person I cared too much about, this person i was so afraid to lose, has been saying mean stuff about me and my other friends. She is saying I'm so immature but she's the one talking shit on twitter.
I feel like giving her a comeback, but I won't play her game. I know I didn't do anything wrong, and I don't need to clear any misunderstanding to her. My mind is in peace and that's what matters.

I hope she find someone who will be there for her the same way I was. Maybe I wasn't the best friend ever, but I know I tried my best. You are the one with more enemies than friends. Not me.

So i guess this is the end, good bye my friend

feel feel feel FEELING!

Ok...everything is going so bad right now....maybe I will lose a friend because everyone else's fault.
I'm trying to be strong enough not to break.
I feel that all those "little nasty things" they have pointed out is for me. HOPE i'm wrong, but I have this feeling inside.
I feel like crying right now, but i won't.

This feeling of losing the most precious person to me sucks...

16 de abril de 2013

Incredibly Invasive Questions

Found this on TUMBLR, so I decided to do it

  • 1. Describe the scent of your shampoo.// I don't know how to describe it more than regular shampoo scent 
  • 2. What does your favorite bra/boxers look like?// I don't have any favorite bra/boxer hahaha yeah, I'm doing well with this questions
  • 3. Shotgun or backseat? // what? shotgun! you never know when a zombie apocalypses will happen
  • 4. Hardcover or softcover? // Hardcover
  • 5. Do you play an instrument? // Never learned any
  • 6. What color is your room?// white
  • 7. Favorite celebrity hair? // 
    Miku's hair *Q*
  • 8. If you could switch places with (insert name) for a day, what would you do? hahaha have many names in my head right now that I won't answer this 
  • 9. What was your childhood "security blanket?"// I don't know if this can be considered as a security blanket, but drawing was the only thing that make me feel comfortable and safe 
  • 10. Do you like men who wear Axe?// I've never known what Axe smell like
  • 11. Are you wearing any pants right now? // yes, I only wear them
  • 12. Most rebellious thing you have ever done?// I'm a saint -_-
  • 13. Least favorite teacher? Why? // maybe my language and grammar teacher in highschool, he always made fun of me in project presentations and never called me by my real name. For some reason I was Angelica in his classes
  • 14. First thing you wash in the shower?// My hands :'3
  • 15. What is the thing you brag about most often? // ironically, my drawing skill. I say 'ironically' because i always complaint about it too
  • 16. Most played song on your Ipod/Itunes? // Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru and Bird by Yuya Matsushita 
  • 17. If you're in your room, look at the first photo you see. Whats the story behind it? // I don't have photos in my room
  • 18. Any fanfic recs for (insert pairing here)? // I don't read fanfic -_-
  • 19. What movie are you most looking forward to in the next year?// I'm looking forward World war Z but I guess it releases on May this year *o*
  • 20. What would you say if Taylor Swift asked you out?// I'm never ever ever ever ever ever going out with you
  • 21. How many asks have you gotten in the last 24 hours?// on tumblr? none :D
  • 22. What is your number one otp?// hahaha Axel x Sora. They were my first otp I unconscionably shipped
  • 23. Should you be doing homework right now? What subject? // No, I don't have homeworks anymore ;D
  • 24. What is your wifi password?// too long to remember it
  • 25. Whats the last thing you ate?// an orange flavored bread my father baked
  • 26. Ever had any near death experiences?// When I was a baby
  • 27. Whats the story behind your nickname?// FrauenCain, I've been using this username since high school.  I never wanted to be seen as a girl online, so i chose Cain because Kaori Yuki's character from Count Cain. And I liked how Frauen (which mean "Señorita") sounds. I thought it was a clever way to be non-female and non-male hahahah
  • 28. Favorite chapstick flavor? Don't use chapstick -_-
  • 29. Choose one thing on your fridge and tell the story behind it.// what? there's no story more than it was bought at the supermarket :V
  • 30. Whats the last thing you bought? // A black dress :D for my graduation ceremony 


I hate to be here every time I feel upset, sadly this is the only place I can vent my heart out. Today some friends and I got upset to eac...