16 de abril de 2013

Incredibly Invasive Questions

Found this on TUMBLR, so I decided to do it

  • 1. Describe the scent of your shampoo.// I don't know how to describe it more than regular shampoo scent 
  • 2. What does your favorite bra/boxers look like?// I don't have any favorite bra/boxer hahaha yeah, I'm doing well with this questions
  • 3. Shotgun or backseat? // what? shotgun! you never know when a zombie apocalypses will happen
  • 4. Hardcover or softcover? // Hardcover
  • 5. Do you play an instrument? // Never learned any
  • 6. What color is your room?// white
  • 7. Favorite celebrity hair? // 
    Miku's hair *Q*
  • 8. If you could switch places with (insert name) for a day, what would you do? hahaha have many names in my head right now that I won't answer this 
  • 9. What was your childhood "security blanket?"// I don't know if this can be considered as a security blanket, but drawing was the only thing that make me feel comfortable and safe 
  • 10. Do you like men who wear Axe?// I've never known what Axe smell like
  • 11. Are you wearing any pants right now? // yes, I only wear them
  • 12. Most rebellious thing you have ever done?// I'm a saint -_-
  • 13. Least favorite teacher? Why? // maybe my language and grammar teacher in highschool, he always made fun of me in project presentations and never called me by my real name. For some reason I was Angelica in his classes
  • 14. First thing you wash in the shower?// My hands :'3
  • 15. What is the thing you brag about most often? // ironically, my drawing skill. I say 'ironically' because i always complaint about it too
  • 16. Most played song on your Ipod/Itunes? // Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru and Bird by Yuya Matsushita 
  • 17. If you're in your room, look at the first photo you see. Whats the story behind it? // I don't have photos in my room
  • 18. Any fanfic recs for (insert pairing here)? // I don't read fanfic -_-
  • 19. What movie are you most looking forward to in the next year?// I'm looking forward World war Z but I guess it releases on May this year *o*
  • 20. What would you say if Taylor Swift asked you out?// I'm never ever ever ever ever ever going out with you
  • 21. How many asks have you gotten in the last 24 hours?// on tumblr? none :D
  • 22. What is your number one otp?// hahaha Axel x Sora. They were my first otp I unconscionably shipped
  • 23. Should you be doing homework right now? What subject? // No, I don't have homeworks anymore ;D
  • 24. What is your wifi password?// too long to remember it
  • 25. Whats the last thing you ate?// an orange flavored bread my father baked
  • 26. Ever had any near death experiences?// When I was a baby
  • 27. Whats the story behind your nickname?// FrauenCain, I've been using this username since high school.  I never wanted to be seen as a girl online, so i chose Cain because Kaori Yuki's character from Count Cain. And I liked how Frauen (which mean "Señorita") sounds. I thought it was a clever way to be non-female and non-male hahahah
  • 28. Favorite chapstick flavor? Don't use chapstick -_-
  • 29. Choose one thing on your fridge and tell the story behind it.// what? there's no story more than it was bought at the supermarket :V
  • 30. Whats the last thing you bought? // A black dress :D for my graduation ceremony 

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