16 de noviembre de 2012

Doujinshi and Kuroshitsuji ch 75

November is going really fast D:
and I haven't been able to draw anything..besides some porn LOL...
Last night i downloaded Shina Himetsuka's new DJ "Halloween Night" (devil-castle.livejournal)
Both arts are pretty lovely! 

But I must say that....I really missed to see some bow chicka wow wow between Ciel and Sebastian. this DJ was pretty confusing hahaha

I'm Downloading Nectar by Pink no Konekoヽ(;▽;)ノ

OH right! yesterday I read Kuroshitsuji Ch 75


and, honestly, I'm not impressed by it, the only thing that got me () was to find out that the red house prefect was family with the Viscount [I don't remember their names tbh] a lot of people suspected it from the start but i got surprised...besides was nice to know a little bit more about daddy Vincent (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥ of course, I found kind of cliche that our favorite mothafucka's predecessor was a legend inside the school *coughJamesPotteryousaycough* Still suspect of Agares. Maybe the only thing i love was when aunt Frances got Sebastian. Love how that woman can make a demon scared of her ..

I thought Sebastian would choose violet house as 1st opponent...but I guess they will defeat the weakest first...I want to see them playing against green house....maybe Ciel will become the second "blue miracle" >_>;; 

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you. This arc is completely different. It make me feel like Toboso-sensei is rewriting Harry Potter. Also, this arc reminds me of Yami no Matsuei's St. Michael arc, with Sebastian mirrors Tzusuki.

    1. (I didn't see this comment before, sorry!!)
      Everyone agree this arc is a Harry Potter rip off, I haven't read the latest chapter but I think this arc is becoming horribly predictable. I haven't read Yami no Matsuei :( but wtf, this arc is really disappointing. A lot of ppl liked the undertaker show time but let's see what's going to happen at the end.



I hate to be here every time I feel upset, sadly this is the only place I can vent my heart out. Today some friends and I got upset to eac...