I can hardly believe there's only 2 weeks left to finish, I'm always saying i'm excited and happy but tbh i'm fucking scared...it's like when I was on school and was freaked out to finish it, I didn't know what university i was gonna take, what career I would choose. But now it's worst...this is the real life, it's not a grade what's on game...Just to think about looking for a job drives me crazy...I'm not good talking to people, interviews and stuff are totally not my thing, besides, there's my stupid complex about my work, my fear of not being taken serious because of my style...not being able to respond as I should in graphic design...I really hate being so insecure, I really try my best, but sometimes I feel i'm just running in circles, pretending it will take me somewhere, and there's the me who is always saying "yeah! I want to be big, and work on anything to survive and success", and there's the only me who's wishing every night that the world will end in 3 months. Call me whatever you want, but sometimes I feel that when university ends, everything for me will...like I will shoot myself after that...haha, yeah, pathetic...
I'm going to do something else better...
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